The 8th Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika & Kongres I-MESS IV
12 Desember 2024
Welcome to Senatik VIII
The role of mathematics in education is realy important in this digital era. Technology offers opportunities to improve numeracy skills and apply them in real-life situations. Information and communication technology (ICT) has changed the way we learn and teach mathematics. Math software, mobile apps, math simulations, and artificial intelligence are tools that can help us solving the complex problem. On the other hand, the ability to comprehend, apply, and analyze numerical data is a crucial skill across various sectors, including industry and scientific research. However, there are challenges to ensuring that technology is effectively utilized in the realm of mathematics education. The appropriate integration of mathematical and technological innovations is important to ensure that numeracy literacy can be significantly improved in the future. The 8th SENATIK on 2024, is an upcoming platform that aims to foster collaborations among the academics, researchers, teachers, and practitioners in the field of mathematics education to have the knowledge exchange, sharing experiences, and presenting the latest research outcomes in mathematics education that will lead to the development of innovative strategies and methods, incorporating technology to strengthen numeracy literacy at all educational levels
Tanggal Penting
Tempat Pelaksanaan
Gedung Balairung Universitas PGRI Semarang
Zoom Meeting (Link Menyusul)
Keynote Speakers:
Faculty of Education
Monash University, Australia
ASSOC. PROF. gillian kidman
Faculty of Education
Monash University, Australia
Dr. Hanzel Tan
Ketua Umum I-MES
Direktur Umum Pascasarjana IKIP Siliwangi
Prof. Dr. H. Heris Hendriana, M.Pd.
Dosen Pendidikan Matematika
Universitas PGRI Semarang
Dr. Widya Kusumanigsih, M.Pd.
Tentang Universitas PGRI Semarang
Tagline : The Meaning University.
Universitas PGRI Semarang adalah perguruan tinggi swasta yang senantiasa berkomitmen penuh, sungguh-sungguh dalam memberikan layanan jasa pendidikan terbaik, untuk jenjang pendidikan, baik S-1 dan S-2 dengan kurikulum berbasis KKNI dan SNDikti serta disesuaikan dengan Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) yang progresis dan fleksibel, serta pendekatan nilai akademik yang tinggi dengan didukung sarana prasarana kampus yang semakin baik.